Damn, is it November already!? Where did 2015 go? It's not to say that it hasn't been a pretty good year and that there's certainly things to look forward to in 2016 but really it just feels like the years go by so fast in the last half decade or so. Anyways, you'll no doubt recognize the clip art here from the calendar back side cover of Marvel Age magazine.
Left click to enlarge |
Here's an editorial cartoon from Skull Slayer #5 I bet many Bill Mantlo fans haven't seen yet. Turns out that was another title Bill wrote for a while not to mention one where he and Sal worked on together. I assume that's Sal at the drafting table but I'm not 100% certain for more information for Bill and Sal on that series go to
Fantastic fan art by Gary Martin Jr. left click to enlarge |
On an interesting side note today also happens to be the birthday of the daughter of my biggest contributor to this blog. Here's to a very happy birthday for both Emily and Bill. As for the rest of us, it's Monday I guess it's time to get on with the work week.
Nov. 10th Update:
In response to some complaint emails I sent to IDW about the excessive lag time between Onyx issues and my concerns about the new ROM and Micronauts series next year possibly suffering the same problem I got this today . . .
"Correct—Rom #0 is already under way and will launch on Free Comic Book Day, the main series in July. We’re going to have multiple issues done before launch and ship every issue on time. We have two art teams, too, so no worries there. Gabriel on Onyx is just a unique situation."
So? Thoughts or opinions on this? Cmon folks when I don't hear any feed back for a while it makes me feel like I'm just talking to myself with these blog postings. Except talking to myself is much less work and less time consuming.