Hat tip to Gary Martin Jr. for picking up all this stuff on ebay for me to present here. "Eaglemoss Publications Ltd" is a London based company that licensed
characters from Marvel, DC, & other entertainment to produce all
kinds of merchandise mainly for their market in the UK. Customers there
could subscribe to a series of lead figurines packaged with magazines that
were delivered every two weeks, and they'd get other special items like
t-shirts & calendars, too. Eaglemoss also translated their
magazines into many languages other than English & exported them to a
number of countries. For some reason United States buyers were
prohibited from subscribing directly from Eaglemoss, but Diamond
Distributors made the items available for sale through comic shops in the United States.
Left click to enlarge |
So first off you see here some snippets of clip art from the Rogue one-shot magazine. As you can see they reprinted the cover art for Rom #31 and also mention him by name. Many of you will recognize the scene from Rom #32 that the clip refers to in which Rogue attempts to absorb Rom's powers.
Rom spaceknight #32 |
And I guess you can say in this panel here are her after thoughts on what ended up being a vulcan mind meld as opposed to the usual power and memory siphoning that results when Rogue kisses her adversaries. I guess you can say Rom's plandanium armor is a chick magnet of sorts clearly Rogue is taken with Rom as far as what kind of person he is on the "inside".
Obviously this clip art goes to the magazine that comes with the
NOVA figurine. Keep in mind that this magazine series from Eagle Moss was published within the last few years. As for any licensing issues to the Rom name and likeness you're guess is as good as mine why it wasn't an issue. It should also be noted that other issues such as for
Galactus, Forge and
The Skrulls make text mentions of Rom and The Dire Wraiths. But regardless of the how or the why I give Eagle Moss Publications some major props for including Rom and The Dire Wraith's role in the histories of these character and alien species profiles.
And by the way it looks like another page (#12) from that ROM #1 remix project has turned up. I don't mean to be a dick here and wish I could sound more optimistic but the more I see of this project the less enthusiastic I get about it
This is an update to this posting with something that turned up on deviant art just a day ago: