Friday, December 20, 2013

Marvel Comics Bullpen Bulletin July 1993 on Bill Mantlo

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As most of you know by now we can all thank Gary Martin Jr. "a Rom curator" ( and as you can see he lives up to that title) for bringing this to us. I believe this Bullpen Bulletin came from Alpha Flight 122 (1993) and you'll notice that issue is in the check list box at the bottom. Anyways, so we have at least one source that proves that Marvel did officially acknowledge what happened to Bill and his amazing work history with Marvel. Although I feel like a side bar column seems a little lacking in compared to the scope of the tragedy and Bill's contribution to Marvel 80s. But I suppose this was better then nothing as the saying goes.

For all you fans of Bill's work on The Hulk or just fans of The Hulk in general might want to have a peek at the Smash Tales FB page. Be sure to be on the look out for the monthly Hulkcast

That's probably gonna do it for the rest of this year but of course I wouldn't dream of starting off 2014 with out a new posting you all can count on that.


  1. Those are kind words by Mr. Gruenwald. Shooter was still working for Marvel at this point?

  2. Some reference dates: Shooter was Marvel Editor-In-Chief until 1987. Bill's accident was on July 17, 1992. Mark's Remarks about it was printed in some Marvel comics that were scheduled for release on May 11, 1993 (and maybe others around that date). Mark passed away in 1996.

    1. on a side note about Mark his first wife was Belinda Glass. she gave Bill and Sal the concept for the Sabra character i posted about it a while back

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nice i have the spiderman 379 and its the same as the pic. I did check that surfer warlock ressurection was not in there.i may have a few more listed and will be sure to check. Thanks for all the work you do garry and dave.

    3. even at the height of my comic book collection the majority of stuff i had was from the 80s and what 90s stuff i did have most of those issues were published before 93. ptor from The Sanctum blog might have the Dr. Strange issues on your list but he's pretty much been MIA for months now. but i'm glad to see Joseph you had some luck finding something on Gary's list.

    4. My removed comments are (and will in the future be) replaced with updates further down the page.

  4. That is some amazing leg work and great info behind it all truly an impressive find!!

  5. nice find! Glad to see Bill being recognized. :)

  6. i've never seen this, but it does explain some of the things that transpired all those years ago. marvel has gotten much more involved, and has acted in a much more concerned manner since 1993. i think they've finally come to understand just how big an impact bill made on the "marvel universe".

    1. to our honored guest, i bid you welcome to the blog Mr. Mantlo.

  7. on a general note to every one after reading Gary's comments i hope you all can appreciate how much time and effort he puts into finding this stuff for me to feature here. i'd say close to have the stuff i post comes from our favorite curator of all things Rom related.

  8. I appreciate it. Thank you Gary#

  9. Anyone who is dedicated enough to spend so much time researching the source of their passion should be commended for their hard work and commitment. Gary Martin is right up there with David-Shlomo in the Rom department, and I know another Gary who has the same commitment toward a certain jolly green giant, working on a book for the last few years requiring tons of research and interviews. Speaking of the jade giant, thanks for the plug for the Hulkcast and Smash Tales, buddy. Like your blog, I only do it for greatness of the stories and enjoyment of others.
    I grew up reading Bill's stories and moved on to new creators in comics as time went on, then leaving comics behind for a few years in the late 90s. When I returned, it broke my heart to learn what happened to Bill, the creator of my favorite stories of all time and the man who taught me that the written word can evolve from pedestrian to sublime. It just so happened that I had only read his work on Hulk, 2-in-1 and Team-Up, so I have had the pleasure of reading Rom for the first time a couple of years ago. Now, I am enjoying the acquisition and reading of Bill's other comics, including Micronauts, Iron Man, Swords of the Swashbucklers, Cloak & Dagger, The Human Fly and the rest of his work.
    Thank you, Shlomo-David-Ben-Samson, for posting this. Bill's work is very important to me – as anyone who reads my Comics & Column column would know – and it makes me smile to see other fans giving him his fair due.

  10. Thanks part in the proceedings here is a natural extension of my favorite hobby (debilitating habit?) & a great deal of fun for me. Especially awesome that Michael commented, Santa Spaceknight has special blessings for the Mantlos, I am sure. I've got some updates on the Bullpen hunting, lemme see if I can figure out how best to work it...

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  12. your welcome Rick.

    Gary, i'll be in San Francisco today with my girlfriend. i'll swing by a store that has some 3 for $1 discount back issue boxes. hey ya never know as far as your list goes.

    a heads up, January 1st is already gearing up to have a great posting to start off the year which will include among other things some newly discovered Sabra fan art by another Bill Mantlo fan out there and some of the most unique Rom fan art courtesy of our friend here Rick Hansen.

  13. "My name is Bill Mantlo. I want to go home..."
    -Have to make myself sad before the New Year- so I know what happiness truly is! We all are blessed. Happy New Year, everyone! Read some ROM!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Alpha Flight #122
    Amazing Spider-Man #379
    Daredevil #318
    Darkhawk Annual #2
    Darkhold #10
    Fantastic Four Annual #26
    Ghost Rider v2 #39
    Guardians of the Galaxy #38
    Knights of Pendragon v2 #13
    Mad-Dog #2
    Morbius The Living Vampire #11
    Ravage 2099 #8
    Secret Defenders #5
    Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #14
    Spider-Man #36
    Super Soldiers #4
    Warlock and the Infinity Watch #18
    Warlock Chronicles #1
    Wildthing #4
    X-Men Adventures #9

    There are only a few other issues I have left to confirm, but I will be very surprised if any of them yield this Bullpen, so the hunt is close to being finished.

    1. Final update, hunt complete: we've been able to confirm every issue that was scheduled to be released within a month in both directions, so except for the possibility there's some random thing that was delayed from long before that landed with this Bullpen, I say the list above is finished.
