Thursday, August 19, 2010

Finally! I've been contacted by a fellow ROM fan out there.

I'm happy to say the artist (Scott Rosema)for this art finally contacted this blog and gave us some specifics about how this piece was put together. Scott does commission work that as you can see is quite impressive. Check the comments for this posting for more info. about this particular piece and Scott's services. I mean talk about a way to really impress someone special you know who might happen to be a ROM fan. Again, thank you Tony (the proud owner of this piece) contributing it to my blog.


  1. The aforementined ROM art, which is 11" x 17", is a combination of a hand drawn pencil base with digital color added after scanning and then the high res printout was mounted on board and varnished with an acrylic gloss clear coat. PLus the client received both the finished pencil drawing and final color piece for his price; around $400. (Open for new commissions!)

    Thanks for the kind words!
    - Scott Rosema 231-799-0200

  2. Hey Scott, good to hear from you. my water color piece at the top of the blog page is also an 11 X 17. that just seems to be a good size canvas to work on. well i'm sure that the small handful of people who have visited my blog so far are as impressed with your work as i am. hopefully more people will visit the blog in the near future and possibly generate some business for you.
