Sunday, September 23, 2012

My posting of random cool Rom related stuff

If you do an image search on Google using the key words "Rom spaceknight romney" you'll see that some Rom related fan art and political humor for the 2012 U.S. presidential race has surfaced in recent weeks. Most of it has mostly to do with some fun word play and other such bipartisan kinda humor. I'm not looking to start a political debate here with this it's all about Rom.

 I found this cool photo image of the Helder Rom statue with issue number one in the background on some sort of chat site that apparently had a bunch of French speaking Rom fans. I also like how this photo it gives you a better and more detailed look at the base the statue is mounted on.

This photo image also happened to be on that French speaking chat site. Seeing all this almost makes me want to learn how to speak French . . .almost.

Captain America #114  (1986)
 And as a follow up to the Easter eggs found in Captain America 311 I want to thank Rom curator Gary Martin Jr. for giving me a heads up on this other Easter egg panel from issue 314.

 How cool is this? Now that's what I call some serious homage to the greatest of the spaceknights! But this isn't the first Rom tattoo that we know of no sir! Check this out:

Next you'll all get to find out what sort of extraordinary lengths I went to in order to show you all a ROM cameo in Spiderman I know you've never seen or probably even heard of.


  1. Nice collection of ROM stuff mr, Icreally hate comic characters been perverted for electoral ideas so Im glad you stood your ground.

    That tattoo is pretty cool - I wonder how many others have ROM skin art?

    1. i think they may have been a bit fearful of coming forward before. perhaps this posting will help them with that.

  2. I got that tattoo after i started seriously collecting the 75 issues of my favorite spaceknight.

    i just think its funny because anyone who doesnt know who ROM is, thinks its a toaster. Rick Jones would be proud

  3. not just Rick Jones Tanner, you make all of us Rom nerds proud with your skin art. welcome to the blog bro. i've got a few questions for ya about that tattoo if you're up to it?

    1. ok cool. i was curious how much it cost and how many sessions was it till it was finished? also what's the significance of the leaves?

    2. It was 70 dollars, done in one session. My nerd sleeve is composed of smaller tattoos so the sessions are usually quick.

      The leaves were to give it an old school feel, all of my tattoos are neo Americana style, and it helped make it look like a completed piece not just a head

    3. good deal! your one of two people i know of now who have a Rom tattoo. how did you get into the comic book series?

    4. A while back I did a lot of digging into old(er) and unused characters from the marvel universe, devil dinosaur, werewolf by night s and of course ROM.

      All my favorite heros and villains are all robots, so the character just became one of my favorites

    5. well i hope you're enjoying this blog along with your ROM collection. there's a posting from Wednesday, March 16, 2011 in which i talk a little bit about what got me into the character.
