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Just when I think I've finally run out of ROM stuff to blog about look what comes my way. Have a look at this photo Gary Martin Jr. sent me recently during a trip to Bridgeport (West Virginia) while at a mall comic shop (Four Horsemen Comics & Gaming). I wonder if whoever decided to lift my fan art off the net and make it part of this interior design series Marvel cover corner of wall tile had any idea that the ROM piece is just some fan art and not something that was ever published by Marvel? I made that almost 5 years ago originally for the now defunct re-cornered blog
http://corneredblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/david-holsey-corners-rom-spaceknight.html but I've seen it turn up on Pinterest and who knows where ever else. I mentioned this before whenever I see this sort of thing I have mixed feelings about it. Just on general principle I think it's kind of a dick move to use someone else's art work with out they're permission or even at least accrediting them accordingly. On a side note I bet it cost who ever at The Four Horsemen a bit of a pretty penny to have a small image on the internet blown up into a large format print out.
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Just wanted to ad something here. This is a scan from my copy of a program guide for the 1989 Wonder-Con Comic convention in Oakland California. As you can see Miguel Ferrer was there who I just got the sad news about only moments before midnight today. I knew Miguel best from his fantastic role in the original
Robocop film and from a small part he played in
Star Trek III The Search for Spock. I also remember him guest starring along with another actor from the Robocop cast in the cop drama
Hooperman which starred the late John Ritter who you probably best knew from the classic 80s comedy sitcom Three's Company.
The story goes that a few months ago a brand new comic shop opened in my local mall, and I was able to have a pull list at a real live store for the first time in what seemed forever. In my first chat with the owner (Hi Mike!) I explained that ROM Is Comics, To Me and he says "huh look at this picture I had already picked to put on my ceiling". I think we were both surprised that I 'knew' the artist personally; whether or not he's realized it was not a real corner box, I can't say. Don't forget this part Dave: I told you about his plan to use your art and you could've disapproved but you responded "it's fine". Cut to yesterday, when ironically I went in to pick up the very first Arrival that I had pre-ordered there...IDW ROM Vol. 1 Trade Paperback!...and Stephanie from behind the counter says "look up". So, that was a pretty cool moment for two reasons, even though the TPB did not reprint any of our fan letters or art inside. ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah now that you mention it I do remember you telling me about it before it went on the ceiling. But the guy did pick out the image on the net initially he could have attempted to reach out to me then. Oh well not a big deal but all that aside I'd still like to know what you thought of those Rom letters in that Avengers issue I mailed you.
DeleteThe Holsey memory strikes again eh. *smacks forehead*
DeleteI'd like to know: who made that animated sprite at the top of your blog, the little ROM firing his Neutralizer? You must know who made it, since I'm sure you contacted them and got permission to use it here, right?
Actually you should ask ptor from the Sanctum but it doesn't really matter that sprite and this blog straight up were meant to be it was ordained by the Gods of Galador.
DeleteI think it's kinda cool,although I completely understand your mixed feelings about it.
ReplyDeleteYeah I hear you man. Flattering I'm sure that you're being immortalized by constantly finding new examples of your work floating around out there, but at the same time, equally frustrating for the unappropriate lack of recognition of your own work. Hopefully this doesn't turn litigious for you.
ReplyDeleteDamn shame about Ferrier. He was definitely an underrated talent. I enjoyed him in The Night Flyer, The Harvest, and the TV show Crossing Jordon.
nice, finally someone who knows who i'm talking about. i usually don't do the whole celebrity death tributes in my postings especially when it comes to house hold names because the news about their passing shows up pretty much every where for a while such as in the case of Carrie Fisher, David Bowie and Prince. but in the case of a lesser known actor like Ferrer who's done some good and memorable work i felt he deserved a mention here.
ReplyDeleteThat is a weird and funny tale.
Still, while a nice nod to take your large, bust drawing over the full body shot of the real one. And I agree it's a mixed feeling one gets... "am I flattered? OR HOW DARE THEY!"
I have a close friend who is also a Doctor Strange collector as I am, and as a personal project, he created all new covers for the original issues of STRANGE TALES, where Strange got his start. His reasoning was that the original covers either did NOT have Doc on them at all, or at best, had only a tiny cameo drawing to indicate that Strange has a story in the issue.
All of my friend's re-creations utilized actual Ditko artwork from the issue in question and he did a fantastic job with ALL of them.
Well, HIS cover for STRANGE TALES 110 (Doc's first appearance) gets used online and in magazine articles ALL the time. The others do as well, but his 110 is used more, since it's the first appearance issue.
*I* get more upset about it FOR HIM than he does. He finds it a bit of an honor that the idiots who aren't doing proper research find HIS cover design to be preferred to the real one.
I've had a little bit of this type of thing happen to me as well, over the years.
One particular insurance was a tad different tho...
Back in 1991 or so, I had a table in artist's alley at a convention.
Jack Kirby walked by and I gave him a drawing of Captain America that I had done, as a gesture of thanks.
Cut to twenty years later, and while watching Netflix, I caught a documentary on Stan Lee. And soon enough, they discuss Kirby and show a photo of him, at his drawing desk, with MY Captain America drawing (as if he were working on it).
My mind was blown!
I contacted one of Kirby's friends and got somewhat of an answer, and the whole thing turned into a nice blog post AND was written, a little bit, in an issue of THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR MAGAZINE.
BUT just a few weeks ago, I was watching a totally different documentary (one that originally aired in the mid 1990s on A&E) and the same photo (although a little bit MORE of the photo is shown), with Jack posed as if drawing MY Captain America.
NOW, it's my new hobby to watch as many
Mid-late 1990s documentaries on Stan and Jack to see if is shown yet again.
Here's a link to the whole story:
OH...and that ROM sprite... I found that many years ago and one day added it to a batch of free downloads I gave away on my blog (I tried to find the original artist, but couldn't).
I gave artist recognition for all the ones I COULD find, and even gave away some of my OWN sprite/icons as well.
Wow and holy shit. That's pretty damn cool to read.
Deletei also just had revisited that old blog posting and Ptor's brush with fame. cracks me up how Ptor actually looks like Stephen Strange even when he's not doing the cosplay thing.