One of the many things I love about Seattle is that no matter how many times I come here I always discover something new and awesome during my visit. As one example of my most recent visit is this mural celebrating the film legacy of the late Chadwick Boseman. Unfortunately I couldn't find a damn thing on the internet about it so all I can tell you is that it's located on the outskirts of the downtown area.

I wish I could have taken this photo with out all those cars in the way but parking in and around downtown Seattle is almost as bad as San Francisco these days. So on the left we have two American legends James Brown and Jackie Robinson as played by Boseman in the films Get on Up and 42. Ofcourse in the center is Boseman as king T'Chala a.k.a The Black Panther and next to that a straight forward Chadwick Boseman portrait. I can't be one hundred percent sure but to the right of the portrait is Boseman from Spike Lee's post Vietnam era drama Da Five Bloods. Now, aside from the photos posted here I do also have this short video of a less obstructed view of the mural, please share...
Not to be totally out done by Seattle when it comes to public tributes to all things Black Panther and Chadwick Boseman here we have this awesome mural located in San Francisco's Bay View district. And like the one in Seattle I can't find anything online about for some weird and annoying reason.
And when it comes to all things Black Panther here's a dire wraith reference published from the Skrull Secret Invasion story line. Turns out
in their collective alien arrogance the skrulls seriously under
estimated the Wakandan's and their king. I know this is open to
interpretation but that would be cool if he was referencing the skirmish
in ROM spaceknight 50 as opposed to a much older confrontation in this
ancient alien family feud.
P.S. Wakanda Forever you skrull scum
Much like the skrulls in the above panel here we have Rick Jones lamenting his uncanny survival skills against hostile aliens which includes dire wraiths ofcourse. To the best of my knowledge this panel comes from Incredible HULK 341.
April 16th Update: Thanks to this commission art by Keith Williams that was posted on Farcebook this morning we now at least have one good piece of ROM fan art for the month of April.