Most of you have heard of this Venom spaceknight crap by now. Even if there's any sort of ROM related continuity to it which I doubt, I assure you it'll be as irrelevant as the brief Hybrid appearance or that "Disavowed of Galadoria" (renegade spaceknights from Nova 15 vol. 5) crap from last year. It's much to do about nothing as I'm sure will be the rumors about a new spaceknight mini-series (see previous posting). I hate to be Mr. Doom and Gloom here folks but the decision makers at both marvel and hasbro thus far have shown no real interest in ever resolving the insufferable rights issue which means cool fan art and some uncovered treasures from the past are mostly all we're ever going to have to look forward to. However . . .
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Can you find the ROM Easter Egg on this cover? |
For those of you getting all excited about the alleged IDW Publishing advert for ROM & The Micronauts in 2016 you might want to take a cold shower for now. There's some things you need to consider first. See the opening remarks in the comments section.
July 13th Update:
Believe me folks the irony of this news from IDW coming on the heels of this posting about a gloomy forecast for ROM return prospects is not at all lost on me : ) But now that we know it's not a hoax I have 2 words for IDW . . "good luck" . . to be followed up with 3 words . . "don't fuck up". Although it appears I may have been a bit too harsh with Hasbro over the last year about they're efforts to facilitate his return in comics I still think their ROM heromugg doll blows. As for marvel, fuck you and your no ROM having supposed upcoming spaceknight mini-series no one gives a shit about that any more then they do about your lame ass Venom spaceNOT garbage. On this blog marvel is a Persian messenger and I'm the King of Sparta.
Looks like IDW will own it ... check it out:
first of all Matt thanks for swinging by with that comment. Chris Ryall of IDW is a big time ROM fan and has been known to post ROM fandom type stuff on his twitter and tumblr accounts in the past. at this time it's hard to say if that advert banner sample your link goes to is legit or just some fan made wishful thinking sort of thing. but even if it's true here's the problem, marvel owns everything else from the ROM mythos including Brandy Clark and the dire wraiths. would IDW be able to introduce a new line of "spaceknight" characters to a new ROM title i'm not sure. however, a new ROM series from IDW would probably do justice to the ROM character himself and as fans from marvel's ROM I guess we would have to look at it as a complete reboot. which in a way wouldn't be such a bad thing considering all the horrific and disjointed continuities marvel has attempted over the years with the destruction of Galador being the final insult.
DeleteAhh yes the venom spaceknight news is bla marvel already screwed up the spaceknights in recent memory.Didnt they destroy Galador? As for IDW ROM and the Micronauts that is definitely intriguing . I spotted the easter egg easy in the photo above but wont ruin it for others. Great seeing the X-Men FF4 panel unearthed by Gary Martin Jr. Even if it makes no sense just plain cool to see!
ReplyDeletebased on some tweets I saw last night from IDW it looks like the news is legit apparently indeed they leaked the news at the Comic Con this weekend. however at this point in time i'm more curious then excited. it's kinda hard to imagine ROM in a universe in which he never had any history with Steve Jackson, Brandy Clark or any of his arch enemies like Hybrid. same goes for the Marvel superheroes he never did or will encounter like The Torpedo, Nova, Ben Grimm or Dr. Strange. no dire wraiths (at least not as we knew them) or any of the notable spaceknights like Firefall, Starshine or Terminator and of course no Galador or Dark Nebula/Wraith World. all those characters are owned by marvel and I doubt they'll be like oh yeah no problem you can use em for your knew ROM series.
Deletesame problem goes for The Micronauts Commander Rann, Marrionette and Bug are all characters created and owned by marvel. as with ROM, marvel's attempted Micronauts continuities over the years have been equally dismal given they can't use the characters directly based on the Mego toy line. on the flip side a comic company known as Devils Due attempted a Micronauts series back around 2005 with characters based on the toy line and a few they made up for the series. it ended after just 11 issues only to shortly see a new series picking up the story line that was cancelled only after 3 issues!
at any rate, I certainly welcome the news from IDW although like I said before i'm more curious then excited about what they'll come up with. i would imagine they'll give ROM's armor a slightly updated look although i hope it doesn't deviate too much from Sal and Bill's version back in the day. and i really hope they keep in step with ROM's personality as we knew it when it comes to the writing. it really sucks to think it'll be at the very least 6 months and in a worse case scenario well over a year before we'll get to see any of it. either way this will be a complete ROM reboot and i hope it will go over better then DC's reboot which i fucken hate especially with how they fouled up The Suicide Squad. that was my all time favorite DC title as was ROM when it came to marvel.
This line made me think of youChris Ryall has been planning these forever. In response to the first question asked, he will be making the effort to get Ditko to do some art, but we all know how likely that will be. Laughs. Scource :
Deletethanks for sharing that link that was pretty informative and further seems to confirm that ROM and The Micronauts coming to IDW is indeed the first ROM return rumor that turns out to be true for a change. Lord knows we've had too many over the years that turned out to be bullshit.
Deleteas for the shit with ditko, if Ryall let's him do any of the art I will go off on him at this blog the likes you all haven't seen yet. and you know I've gone off on marvel something fierce over the years but it would be nothing compared to having IDW in my cross hairs. I mean if they just give ditko a bonus pin up page in the back I could probably live with that although i'll still shit all over it on this blog. but man if they let ditko do the cover or God forbid the interior art I would seriously not consider buying the book.
that's how much I hated ditko's work on ROM back in the day and in general when I see anything with his work that was published after 1980. who ever asked that ditko question at the IDW panel at Comic Con (unless they were joking of course) should have been dragged out of the San Diego convention center and shot in the head. no trial, no jury just strait to execution I mean seriously the idea that anyone would want to see ditko's retro cookie cutter style penciling over our pal Sal makes me sick to my stomach.
P.S. but on a high note as far as reboots go I did really like the Robocop reboot (while still loving the original) so that makes me feel hopeful about IDW's ROM reboot given the character's similarities.
I think it was ment as not going happen about Ditko. I can see your dislike in his art by your response is much more then I thought . Im excited about the return of ROM and his name. Marvel history missing he will be all new ROM . I also hope they keep his personality noble to the core .
DeleteYeah, lot of hate for Ditko here!
Deletegoing off on ditko from time to time is almost half of the fun of running this blog.
DeleteAbout damn time!
ReplyDeletekinda makes you wonder how IDW was able to pull off a deal with the license holders of ROM and The Micronauts but some how marvel couldn't. or just plain didn't think it was worth while to try? makes me also wonder if the real problem all these years wasn't Hasbro or Mego but more marvel. any ways I say fuck marvel just the same I have more reasons now then ever to continue not buying their new books. thanks for swinging by.
DeleteIDW has been working with Hasbro for years with transformers so IDW had that going for them. I dont think marvel really cared enough to even try. Pre disney. I also doubt they will get him in the GOTG sequel . I would love to be wrong but at this point and after we have waited so long im glad we have something substansial to look forward to with what IDW is doing.
ReplyDeletemarvel has also been working with Hasbro for years for all the good that did in regards to ROM. but like you said I don't think they even bothered to try a deal and opted to keep trying to write stories with the ROM related properties they owned. as for GOTG i'd be curious to see how they represent ROM on the big screen but it's not a big deal to me either way I didn't care for the first GOTG movie nor have I ever been into them as far as the comics go.
Deleteby the way speaking of Transformers and movies i'm surprised you didn't say anything about the Optimus vs Megatron sketch in the last posting. wasn't that you a while back who was trying to convince me to see the last TF Michael bay movies?
I was trying to convince you I liked alot more of your art . Characters I like and mentioned the awesome prime Rom you did . I did recently go back and saw that awesome megatron vs Op. Of course I loved it!! Reguarding Bay move well I may have tried to convince you . Cant recall but im a sucker for Transformers and ROM . They go hand in hand for me . My favorite modern ROM artist Dann Phillips has been busy making new art with the IDW news. I hope he floods them with ROM art and gets considered to do some art for it. That would be great!
DeleteI love ROM, The Transformers and Micronauts they're all staple parts of my 80s nostalgia hence this piece a while back . . .
but I need any interpretations/continuities of all that stuff to be a certainly level of quality in terms of writing and visuals for me to enjoy it. speaking of which, I certainly hope whatever Phillips has in the works is better then what I've seen posted in recent months. his ROM related stuff in particular for a while now hasn't done anything for me.
I believe I literally squeaked when I heard this news. Then proceeded to text all my local comic book buddies. Then reread everything to make sure it wasn't just (another) dream.
ReplyDeleteI can only reiterate what everyone else has already said: 1.) About damn time, and 2.) Don't F@*! it up. Seriously. I may do harm.
Venom: Spaceknight sounds like a terrible idea, but it could turn out to be well executed and give some of the ROM concepts new legs after the work that's been done with the characters for the last few years (for better or for worse). Better to try and give it an open mind and not just bash it with offensive language. Or just wait a few months and see what IDW does. Either way, all of that stuff is coming back.
ReplyDeleteHave a good day.
G Morrow
Can't wait. It would also be cool if IDW got the reprint rights for the Marvel series. It's been done before, I think, what with the Star Wars and Indiana Jones omnibus reprints.
ReplyDeleteG Morrow
DeleteI've chronicled for years now on this blog all the botched ROM related story lines marvel has done so the odds of this Venom spaceknight will be more of the same garbage. but if by some tiny chance i'm wrong you're more then welcomed to come back here and tell me "i told ya so".
to Anonymous
I think reprint the rights would be dependent on marvel so don't hold your breath on that. as for the IDW series it looks like it's gonna be next summer unfortunately, but on a high note i'll have something related cool to post here in a few days.
thanks for the comments guys