There are so many different things that would have been great to insert into those dialogue bubbles it almost boggles the human mind (examples: Always bet on silver! Wassup bitches!? or just simply wwwassssssup! and so on). Big thanks to Gary Martin Jr. for bringing to my attention a very cool article (Dec.10) by Trent Hunsaker about what will hopefully be a triumphant return for ROM next year. And I'm not just saying that because Trent made it clear in his article that he's something of a fan of this blog (which makes you a ROM fan who's most certainly not a dick) but he does offer some insight as to what we might expect and reasons to be optimistic about the new series. I would especially recommend this article for those of you who are feeling a little more on the pessimistic side about ROM's non marvel return.
I just want to correct you on a couple little things Trent the IDW announcement for the new series (along with a new Micronauts series) came out back in July. And also, thus far "Venom spaceknight" has shown no indication of having any sort of ROM related continuity to it. The expression "what's in a name" totally applies here the spaceknight title seems to pertain to venom as a cosmic adventurer as opposed to Galadorian spaceknights. So now that we got all that out of the way let's get to the article . . .
Also, this is why I love people who leave comments on this blog like nikoskap in the previous posting. The cover artist has this art work (uncolored) on deviant art and he actually responds to comments so here's your chance to let him know what you think about it . . .
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By artist Andrea Shock left click to enlarge |
I have no complaints. That IDW press release qoute tells us we will finally know about the solarstar order. Thats pretty cool ( you know you seen the orginal toy add). I am very optimistic the base of who ROM is and his values will remain. I beleive Chris will honor Bill in that. We will have New Wraiths and who knows what else! Re imagined Deathwings, Hybrid,?Onyx, transformers way down the pipeline? Exciting times ahead!
ReplyDeleteyour boy Dann Phillips is pretty stoked about ROM's return as well
Hope you don't mind me sharing with you a ROM piece I did last year...
not at all, and just so you know i've seen that before. from one artist to another you have excellent illustration skills. as far as the kind of ROM related fan art i like to feature on this blog i prefer work that doesn't only show case excellent technical skill but also imagination. time in your life permitting ofcourse i would challenge you to take another stab at some new ROM fan art. something with a scenario that includes allies and or enemies rather it be something that happened in the original series or a cool concept.
DeleteThanks! When time allows, I'll whip up something new. :)
DeleteGreat article! Can't wait!
ReplyDeleteRobert Tilleli? if that's you damn bro it's been a while since i saw you here.
DeleteYeah Shlomo! I've been in a bad spot. But things are better! Glad to be back bro. :-)
Deleteyeah if i recall you were struggling with some health issues for a while there but i haven't been on farcebook for close to two years now so i don't see what's going on there much anymore. anyways, i'm glad you're doing better especially now with what is arguably the biggest news for ROM fans in the last 25 years. i'm going to do my best to stay on top of things here in the coming months.
DeleteAwesome Shlomo. I still have your gift and always appreciated the gesture. Great to be back!
ReplyDeleteHahaha,hilarious dialogue you've added there; I wish the new series gets mega- successful if only for the heads at Marvel to regret letting Rom go.
ReplyDeleteAnyway over at deviant art the cover was very well received, a good indication I believe.
High-Five indeed! Haha! I'm really loving this artwork, such a dynamic shot. I also like the minor tweaks to the otherwise classic design. Respectful, yet modern. I think giving him a full set of fingers is a logical choice, the mitt style was pretty impractical if you want to really nerd out about character design choices...
ReplyDeleteCan I join the fun in this thread and post some ROM fan art I did last year?
I'm pretty sure you commented on it there back when I first posted it (thank you for that), I had always hoped you might post a link on your blog.
first of all thank you for your comments as you know I really enjoy hearing what's on people's mind in regards to what I post on this blog. especially at an exciting time like this for ROM fans.
Deleteso before i move on to the next topic understand that i'm really fussy when it comes to fan art. your commission piece does have a lot going for it. in particular the scope of the scene, the shading and the details like the sheen on ROM and Starshine's armor. The dire wraiths and Hell Hounds look pretty good as well.
but the piece has a glaring problem for me that really takes away from the over all effect of the scene. ROM, who is the center piece is not drawn well from a figure composition stand point. ROM looks too stiff and mechanical plus his pose is very undynamic. look at the way Sal drew ROM, he drew him more like an organic being in very dramatic poses for panels with action scenes. in yours ROM's posture more denotes someone doing something like a stroll in a park more then the greatest of the spaceknights blasting hoards of his arch enemy into Limbo while on their homeworld. a pose something like the one i used in my ROM vs The Brood piece i think would have worked so much better in yours. then it also looks like you had trouble with ROM's neutralizer as far as getting it down right as to what it looks like at that angle.
i'm by no means singling you out here if you look at the early comments for this posting by Reno you can see i didn't post his work either. he definitely has talent like you, but he draws ROM more like i like to see him but i had a different kind of issue with his fan art piece that ultimately caused me to never have posted that either. i'm not trying to be a dick here like i said before i'm really fussy about fan art. i know how much less then flattering feed back on one's art can sting but i hope you will see some value in what I've said and perhaps take another shot some day at some new ROM fan art that might work better for posting here.
Hey, no worries good sir - I always appreciate constructive feedback. I do a little professional freelance work & I have a thick skin for taking criticism. You make perfectly valid points about ROM's pose in my piece - it is unfortunately a little stiff, and placing the neutralizer was awkward as this piece was drawn on the inside cover of a sketchbook, it landed along the rounded spine crease of the book. I was trying to avoid drawing anything too important along that line but it didn't quite work out that way.
DeleteI can say that Chris Ryall has seen my piece in the sketchbook in person, the guy I did the commission for showed it to him at a Con earlier this year :)
I'm definitely interested in drawing ROM again, if I do I'll be sure to share it with you :)
Please do, if and when you get around to doing another Rom piece. And I know what you mean when something that you had pictured in your head one way just doesn't quite come out the way you want it's almost like your hand and brain are having a failure to communicate.