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This is kinda interesting. This might be some sort of concept or promo art by Al Milgrom that was never published for what ever reason. It's obviously based on the whole Archie Stryker Firefall story arc early on in the series. Curious about the two distinctively different looks for the dire wraiths.
It's certainly been a while since I've come across some new Sabra fan art. This beautifully illustrated piece comes from artist Leo David who also goes by Leo Jr. on deviant art.
Did you all get a load of the insanely juvenile twitter tirade that trump went on last weekend? My God he went after every body from Oprah Winfrey to Hillary (yet again) to the FBI (also yet again) and even his own National Security Advisor for daring to publicly acknowledge the fact that russia fucked with the 2016 election. What the Hell is wrong with this guy he really reminds me of one of those eccentric James Bond villains. I mean what ever happened to the days where we argued about emotional issues like same sex marriage and abortion instead of fundamental facts such as something like if the world is round or flat.
I some times feel like trump supporters live in this alternate reality where all this crazy shit coming from The White House is some how normal and that the internet some how provides some kind of bubble between realities where these trump supporters can communicate with non trump supporters who see all this crazy shit like from this past weekend as the crazy shit that it is. And I say all this as someone who disdains the radical left and is well aware that they inhabit another kind of alternate reality that is largely devoid of facts. All these anarchists, communists and 911 conspiracy moron social parasites who glorify every islamic terrorist as a freedom fighter and every 3rd world tyrant as a defender against "American imperialism" fuck them to.
Rather it comes from CNN or FOX news, we should all care about the truth above all. And don't just care about the facts that fit into your comfort zone have the courage to accept all the facts surrounding a given issue rather you like them or not. Remember all those women's marches addressing gender equality issues right after trump took office last year? CNN covered em quite a bit and that's fine with me the protesters had a lot of legitimate grievances both toward trump and with society as a whole. But CNN dropped the ball on an important fact that FOX pounced on. Did you know that one of the main organizers of the marches was a convicted palestinian terrorist (rasmea odeh) who was freed from an Israeli jail in a prisoner swap and later lied on her entry visa about her criminal record in order to get into the United States? She got busted last year and in a plea deal to avoid jail time in a federal prison she agreed to deportation.
If you care about America, then trump's unwillingness to accept the fact that russia fucked with our election should bother you every bit as much as Obama's inability to utter the words "radical islamic terror". But if you only have a problem with one and not the other, well then you're just a hypocrite not a patriot. You can't have it both ways on that matter.
But getting back to you trump supporters, I just don't get you people. How long can you people keep looking at yourselves in the mirror and telling yourselves that a lie is the truth? Rather it's petty shit like the crowd size at his inauguration ceremony or the accusation about Obama having wire tapped trump tower that he promised he'd provide proof of but never did I mean seriously where is your breaking point when it comes to your intelligence constantly being insulted? Remember "alternative facts"? I mean seriously WTF!? Are you capable at all of being at least somewhat objective when you look at and analyse what comes out of trump's mouth or on his twitter account or is it just easier for you to write off all the criticism of trump as simply just "left wing media spin"? What happened to critical thinking!? And it's not just my fellow Americans who are guilty of this, some of my friends in Israel are just as overly simplistic in their thinking just because trump is not Obama.
And if you're a trump supporter that read the original ROM series did you learn nothing from Bill Mantlo's writing? The dire wraiths didn't have twitter but they had their shape shifting powers and sorcery to distort the truth to others. Based on what you know about the ROM character just ask yourself, what would the greatest of the spaceknights think of president trump? Or Mantlo for that matter if he still had his health today? Let that sink into your brain for a while.
The dog's names was Ms.Lion.
ReplyDeleteYeah I'm curious what guys like Bill Mantlo, Bill Hicks, George Carlin and Richard Pryor would all have to say about today's socio-political and current cultural climate. I'm sure they'd be legit shocked (or not for some) about how the majority of Americans voted for Trump.
Actually the majority of Americans didn't vote for trump unless you believe yet another one of trump's unproven claims (in other words it's a lie) that over 3 million people voted illegally. Obviously I felt like really going off on trump and his apologists after this weekend but I also wanted to set the record straight for any one who thinks I'm some kind of bed wetting liberal. Thanks for the doggy info.
DeleteIts good to read about USA with through the lens of rational people
ReplyDeletemuito brigado amigo. i like to think of myself as a rationale human being above any labels like conservative, liberal or even pro-Israel. right now there's a very intense debate going on right now about guns but we've been down this road before after other mass shootings. our politicians have failed to act in the past because they are owned by the very powerful NRA (national rifle association. did you know that law makers in Florida where this most recent massacre occurred regard pornography a bigger public health issue then assault rifles? no joke amigo i'm telling you you just can't make this shit up https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/21/health/florida-legislature-porn-dangerous-but-not-weapons/index.html
Deletewe're such a fractured nation right now. differences on trump have made it really challenging for even long time friends to maintain heir friendships i've never seen any quite like this before in my life time.
ReplyDeleteOh definitely. Unlike other previous presidents, you could usually find middle ground, and perhaps see some rationale in their voting who theuy voted for. Not at all here. I have no tolerance for the typical Trump supporter that refuses to live in our reality not his, especially when they turn a blind eye and deaf ear to all the beyond-obvious ignorant shit that comes out of his mouth and twitter fed on a regular basis. 3 more years of this bullshit to go....
DeleteFortunately most of my friends in the pro-Israel community are still firmly left of center (but not too far to the left) folks who didn't vote for trump. But there are a few of the more conservative variety among us that usually vote republican and support trump. I have to admit I've been struggling to reconcile my friendships with them in light of that continued trump support. That fact that the trump administration has been a benefit to Israel on a couple of key issues further compounds my conflict here.
DeleteGood find with that Milgrom piece Alex,solid enough work even if his Rom covers are so-so in my opinion
ReplyDeleteMilgrom is definitely not one of the top Marvel artists from the 80s although i've enjoyed some of his work like in the Kitty Pryde and Wolverine mini-series. i also do like his ROM cover art especially issue 4 but that being said his ROM cover art is not at all up there with the covers Michael Golden did for example.