Here's my latest 3 1/2 X 5 sketch card fan art after months of not feeling motivated to actually produce anything despite some of the ideas I've had rolling around in my head. Some of those ideas included a hypothetical encounter between ROM and Ronan the accuser and doing something (as a separate piece) with one of the most bad ass looking spaceknights ever,
Gloriole. So I decided to just put it all together as one scene and later added
Firefall which I thought was a nice touch. This would have been so awesome! Almost as much as Terrax The Tamer mixing it up with Galador's spaceknights in
ROM 26 (thank you Bill and Sal!) when Galactus showed up to make Galador his latest meal. Just as Terrax was forced to contend with all those different spaceknight powers so to would Ronan in some other type of confrontation scenerio. Like I said it, would have been awesome.
The official handbook of the Marvel Universe #9 back in 1983 was actually my first introduction to the Ronan the accuser character. Quite literally over the decades I've seen him evolve from what basically was a Fantastic Four villain to a much more complex character and ultimately something of a anti-hero in Marvel cosmic story like The Annihilation Wave and War of Kings.
1985 |
March 3rd Update: A little something interesting I found today in regards to some of Bill Mantlo's thoughts on the cancellation of the ROM series. Issue 66 was the official end of the Wraith War on Earth but the series went on for another 9 regular issues and 1 annual. As those of you who have read the series know the story concludes with a post apocalyptic situation on Galador in which a new generation of spaceknights went rogue and turned on the rest of the population in a "Skynet" kind of way.
Left click to enlarge |
March 4th Update: I recently added another blockade runner to my growing rebel fleet. This one has more of a blue stripe color scheme and is with out the battle damage detailing.
Hayward CA |
March 12th Update: Mondays suck as we all know. Finding these awesome Black Panther and Okoye PVC figures on my door step went a long way to getting over a case of the Mondays. And just for the record, even before I heard the unfortunate news about the
Toys R Us chain closures I would have been happy to buy these at my local Toys R Us store had they carried them. That Hayward store has been around since the early 80s and I used to go to that
Chucke Cheese as well back in the day when it was full of video games.
Love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks amigo I'm also really happy with the way it turned out.
DeleteNice work mate! Ronan was my favourite part of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie - he seemed way cooler than Thanos. He looks just as unbeatable in your art too.
ReplyDeletei'm kinda surprised to hear you say that since Ronan felt pretty much like a one dimensional villain to me that was little more then a Thanos stooge until he turned on him although i do think they came up with a cool look for him for the big screen. but thanks mate for swinging by to check it out and for the kind words.
DeleteCooler than Thanos????? Hmmm. Not for me. He was ok, and with all that damn make up you couldn't tell that was actor Lee Pace underneath all that. He was a bit one-dimensional I felt. Sure he turned on Thanos, but who didn't see that coming. Trust me, once you see Thanos in IW Dan, Poor Ro Ro will be a distant memory ;)
Deleteya know when you think about it the Marvel Universe handbook series made for a good marketing project. think about all the readers who were introduced to characters they might other wise never get to know which certainly would have resulted in at least some increased sales. nice job on that fan art as a concept that could have been a good What If issue.
ReplyDeleteAll my comics are in storage :( But I remember that handbook. Always handy as a crib sheet when you couldn't find a missing issue. I'm green with envy of your fleet. And your artistic talent. I can draw bit I'm always lacking in inspiration.
ReplyDeletedon't be too envious of the fleet i've managed to gather, the ability to collect a series of miniature Star Wars collectibles is insignificant next to the power of The Force :)
DeleteCheck it out:
well hello there stranger nice to see you again. i'm not sure how to take this article off hand let me think it over a bit but thanks for sharing just the same.
DeleteNo problem good sir! ;)
DeleteOk so I've had a couple of days to think this over and here's my thoughts. If this movie does actually happen it's going to have to be produced in a way that will give it broad appeal for a contemporary cinematic audience. That means it will most likely be more dissimilar then similar to the 80s marvel universe Rom. I think the best thing we can hope for is a well written sci-fi movie that pays tribute to the original series in just the right way. And ofcourse let's hope they don't come up with a totally stupid design concept for ROM's armor like idw did. Either way, it's too early to get worked up over any of the fan boy hype.
DeleteReady player one was fantastic. If he does it even half as good as for adapting ROM then its in good hands. On the other hand Hasbro and IDW connections are concerning for a IDW version him.
Deletewell as it turns out my wife and i had planned on a vacation next week but those plans fell through and i ended up with all that time off from work still so maybe i'll go catch a matinee. kinda on the fence after i saw the trailer. but did dig the whole 80s nostalgia aspect of the movie and in general i like dystopian sci-fi.
DeleteThis is what happens when the entirety of your movie is based off of a gimmick; it's one thing to give an engaging new spin to a genre concept and quite another to play your forced contrivances for supposed shock value. happy death day movie
ReplyDeleteThere are fine home invasion thrillers like Don't Breathe(2016) that while engaging in a different take on the genre trope, still manage to stay true to the spirit of the genre, delivering the much needed thrills in good measure. This misfire of a movie, Better Watch Out however, is one that is so pleased with it's little twist that it forgets to invest in anything that is remotely honest or earnest to make it a worthwhile viewing experience. the devil's candy release date
The lacklustre start does not do the movie any favours but just as things seem to be settling in, it's all thrown out for a plot twist that from the very moment of inception robs the story of any suspense or thrill whatsoever. From this great twist onwards, the movie becomes an exercise in stringing together one implausible scenario to another, each one trying vying for that highly sought after shock value. watch Avengers Infinity War online