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Although it's cropped, I'm still glad I happened to find this larger format version of this illustration from Strange magazine (from France, the last country in Europe I would ever care to visit) which back in the day (the 80s of course) reprinted a number of stories from the Rom series among other Marvel titles. For years now I've only come across this art on the internet as something not much bigger then a thumbnail preview
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If you didn't see this earlier it's cause I'm adding a quick update for this posting with this original cover art from some publisher in Spain that reprinted some Rom issues too.
From something about the last country in Europe I would ever want to visit to something about the one country in Europe I wouldn't mind visiting someday. On it's own merits
300: Rise of An Empire is pretty good but as a sequel to the epic
300 it is quite excellent. That was the most recent nerd genre type movie I saw and now I'm looking forward to
Captain America: Winter Soldier this weekend I sure hope it doesn't suck.
-That is some mighty sweet art, ROM & Namor. Under-water-best-buds FOREVER!
ReplyDeleteDude- They have released so much footage of Captain America: Winter Soldier, I don't think it CAN suck. It just looks amazing! And Cap was the best of the Marvel movies- so it would make sense that it has a good sequel- since all the other sequels were terrible. Well, Incredible Hulk was pretty good- but that was not really a sequel, technically... But then- I liked Ang Lee's Lichen Growing On a Rock, I mean- Starfish DNA, I mean- Hulk Dogs, I mean- Hulk. It was just so full of "What the fuck?"
Ugh... 302. -Blehhh... How NOT to start your movie: 5 mins of exposition dialogue set to a montage, followed by a long battle-scene w/ a bunch of characters we don't even know, or care about. Followed by even MORE voice-over exposition! -I mean, over 15 mins in to the flick and it was STILL going on... that's the absolute laziest movie storytelling ever! Just could not get into it. -Lena Headey just refused to stop talking, always talking- narrating everything! Exposition, fight-scene, exposition, fight-scene...
-If you can't tell, I loved it. *fart* It was SO boring. And I like 300 a lot! I saw it in theaters twice, and I rarely do that with a movie. Oh, well... Journey To The West was fucking AMAZING! But then- you don't like Stephen Chow...
well i liked the first Captain America quite a bit but the best Marvel movie? that's a bit of a stretch, the first Iron Man gets that honor hands down not only was it an even bigger box office draw it was also the first of the Avengers lead up films. but then again you're pretty much the only guy who likes Marvel Comics but not Iron Man or SHIELD (the org.). go figure, but hey man whatever turns you on. as for the 300 sequel, i just don't even want to get into it i just can't wrap my brain around your perception of movies sometimes. but i've noticed this pattern you seem to need constant action in a movie to keep you interested in it. but even as a guilty pleasure what in god's name does the Ang Lee Hulk movie have going for it except for maybe some of the action scenes? i mean seriously you wanna talk about "SO boring". that was one Hell of a snooze fest and that battle with his father at the end couldn't have been more anti-climatic. i didn't even get to see San Francisco get fucked up too much which i love seeing in movies. hopefully i'll get to see all kinds of land marks and other places i've been too countless times over the years in S.F. get trashed in the new Godzilla flick : )
DeleteHey, I like Iron Man okay, homie... The first movie was great, not the two sequels, though. Ugh. Who cares about box-office-draw? -That does not a good movie determine. I do like Cap better though. -His movie, and his comic character. So, maybe I am a little bias.
DeleteAng Lee's Hulk and I have a love/hate relationship. I love The Hulk... from comics to the old TV show. And that was the first real Hulk movie- so I was pumped for it. It's funny- and it's not supposed to be. -It's a hot mess, but bless it's little heart for trying... I did a whole video on it once- when I first got my video-camera back in the day... It's complicated. But it does have some really, REALLY great moments.
Whhhhaaaattt are you talking about? Constant action bores me to death! Where do you get that from? I like smart movies. I need constant GOOD STORY. GOOD dialog, consistency, actual character development, no-to-minimal plot-holes, good practical effects/minimal or well used CGI, and most importantly: Heart... That's what I look for in a movie.
Why do you think I only like action scenes when you mention them positively 3 times in your reply? LOL You seem to need constant action, blood, and dark tones- otherwise you just write it off as stupid or kiddie shit.
And are you gonna say there was not almost constant narration in the first 15 minutes of 302? And even more, periodically beyond that? Because there was. And it was so annoying. That's just lazy. It's a movie- SHOW, don't tell. Let your actors actually act! Not just scream, throw stuff, and fall and bleed. Also- as far as sequels/side-quels/prequels go- it was largely unnecessary. It was Lena Headey reading you a book while you watched guys scream, throw stuff, and fall and bleed. Dreck...
...but whatever turns you on!
Oh, man- I hope they don't fuck up this new Godzilla... again. Trails look good, Godzilla looks pretty good, except for his weird brontosaurus-legs. I just hope the plot does not suck ass- because Monsters was a piece of shit. -And it's the same guy. So, fingers crossed!
K.o.T, i just don't get you and movies sometimes bro, but thanks for the photoshop praise.
DeleteI don't get you and movies, either...
Delete-Makes the world go 'round!!!
No prob, Bob!
I was introduced to ROM thanks to the STRANGE magazine back in the 80s. Many years later I was able to read the original ROM series in English and couldn't believe how spot-on the french translation was.
ReplyDeletehey MastaP thanks for dropping by always good to here from a fellow Rom fan out there. learning about all these foreign publications that reprinted Rom is fairly new to me i didn't know about any of it up until a few years ago. and by the way if you're from France sorry about the unkind words about the country but for what it's worth i gotta hand it to them for having the stones to go into N.Mali and kick al-qeada's ass last year.
DeleteNow I'm always gonna read ROMs bubbles with an outrageous French accent!
DeleteDid you do that edit? That is a really great photoshop if I have ever seen one. Of Spartans and Spaceknights just has a really good ring to it.
ReplyDeleteHearing stuff like France's Strange Magazine makes you wonder; is your collection complete if you dont have these various appearances?
hey Vis. thanks, you can always tell what art work is mine (both digital and hand drawn/painted) by seeing if i accredit anyone. if it's someone else's art i always say it's by so and so. other wise i'll say it's mine or just post it with out explicitly saying it's mine which is the same as saying it's mine. actually that Rom cover i did was a slam dunk once i found the right Spartan image. if you don't have that Rom issue do an internet search to see what the original looks like. there is a guy by the name of Gary Martin Jr. who is an actual Rom curator. he has a huge collection of just about every Rom appearance and mention from all media. we're talking from everything to Starlog Magazine to foreign publications like Strange and even footnotes in other Marvel titles. if it has an image of Rom or makes a mention of him (as well as Rom related stuff like The Torpedo, Hybrid and of course the dire wraiths) he keeps it all in his Hall Of Science :) i'd say at least 1/5 of all the stuff i've posted in the history of this blog came from him.
DeleteI do have that issue and when I saw this cover I pulled it out of the box to take a look at it. And the fact the edit keeps the same feeling of the original is a credit to you. Does Gary have a website or a list off all the publications that is available? I would love to see all the books I have never heard of the ROM shows up in.
DeleteOh, yeah- bro: Props for that photo-shop job. You are real good at that shit. I can barely apply filters...
Deletei can tell you that Gary does not currently have a website but i sent him an email about your question hopefully he'll get back to you over here on that. in the mean time this might help you, be mindful of the bullet point links at the top of the page http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/Rom/comic/checklist.shtml
DeleteOh man that checklist is extensive, I am only missing the Hulk books from the core titles. But this gives me something to work towards which is awesome. I also really like those new covers you posted especially the one on the left.
Deletejust so you know you can find many of those Rom appearances and cameos from that list on the blog. just use the word search field in the top left corner i always include the issue and number in the names of the files of the art work as well as the posting tags.
DeleteThat update to this post cover on the left of the two looks killer. Nice redo of the cover yourself. Looks great as well . Love the big pic of ROM and Subby too. Good post.
ReplyDeleteI agree- those covers look great! Very Doc Savage/pulpy- I dig 'em!
Deletethanks guys glad you like em they're actually borrowed from a earlier posting on this blog from a while back.
DeleteNot sure if you've seen this (Custom ROM figure):