Well by now I'm guessing most of you have either picked up this issue or know about what happened in it. Yes it seems Galador and all the spaceknights were obliterated just as sure as Alderaan was by the fucken Death Star in
STAR WARS. Well obviously I'm not happy about that and I'm clueless what Hickman's thought process was in regards to doing away with Galador, the recently resurrected classic spaceknights and Marvel's premier spaceknight Ikon. Was that the sacrificial lamb for drama's sake for this latest cosmic cataclysm story line? Is that all that Rom's legacy is worth to Marvel? And for that matter, was bringing back some of the classic spaceknights for a "New York minute" and then utterly destroying them just some cheap marketing stunt? Or is there going to be some sort of time space rectal continuum explanation later in this mini-series or perhaps in a later series that will some how magically restore what happened to Galador?
It's a shame actually cause all that aside this was a pretty good read. But I don't see myself being able to really enjoy this mini-series with all these questions about Galador and it's spaceknights. Ya know I said a couple of postings back that Marvel never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to get me on board as a regular reader of their stuff as far as going out to buy something every month. There are those who might say to be patient, don't have a panic attack over the first issue and keep reading the series and see what happens. That's a good point but damn, we've been waiting for over 12 years to get some real satisfaction when it comes to Marvel continuing ROM's legacy and this time it felt like it was so very close starting with
Avengers #16 Prelude to Infinity. But at the end of the day I came away disappointed yet again with what Marvel is doing. It seems like no matter how much of today's writers at Marvel are fans of Mantlo's work on Rom spaceknight they just can't seem to deliver a satisfying product that will work for current story lines along with the old school fans. As if
Sabra getting shot in the back by a fucken nazi wasn't bad enough (more on that later). For now I'll keep following Infinity on the internet cuz Marvel ain't getting any more of my money for this shit.
Let's see if I can end this posting on some what of a high note. It appears Sabra may not be dead after all. Follow the link and scroll down to the clip art for X-Men#31 which comes right after the panel with that douche bag Crossbones. The New Warriors and Fantastic Four clip art is also worth checking out if you have time:
And in other news of The Empire today . . .