More cool stuff from Frank this time from some back issues of ToyFare magazine issue 15 which came out in November 1998. Now as far as the whole The Day the Earth Stood Still reference goes it should be fairly self evident when looking at the cover of ROM#1 and this iconic movie still. But if you read the portion of the article below you'll also understand. It seems that the ROM comic book drew inspiration from a fair amount of 50s sci-fi classics such as this and as mentioned in a previous posting Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Aside from that there's some interesting tid bits in the portion of the article about the origins of the comic book that not all fans may know as of yet.
I'll also have you all know that ToyFare #15 wasn't the only issue to ever have featured an article about ROM. Issue #142 back in June of 2009 also had an article. Unfortunately that one really didn't have anything new in terms of art or information to us but I'll still post a preview version of it on May 1st so you can get an idea of what it entailed, see you all soon.